Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My road to Emmaus.

Shortly after his resurrection, Jesus began walking with two disciples on the road to Emmaus. At the time they did not recognize him and this whole story presents a lot of things I could write about, starting with that, but what stood out to me this time was Luke 24:27--"And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself."

How wonderful to have Jesus explaining the Bible to you! Wow. I mean, we have Greek and Hebrew Lexicons, concordances and commentaries galore, but these two men had Jesus literally explaining the Bible to them. This makes me so jealous (in a good way). I am so desirous for the Word to be made known to me in the fullness of its intended meaning.

As I thought about this more, it came to me that in pursuing Jesus, he reveals himself more and more to us, especially through his word. As I open my heart and mind to him and read the words of the Bible, the very Christ who spoke truth to those men on the road to Emmaus reveals the truth of his word to my mind and heart and spirit. How incredibly wonderful.

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