Friday, August 27, 2010

go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

This past Saturday morning I had the blessing of serving on a judging committee for the "Hero for Life" Scholarship. Four years ago, back in 2006, I was the first recipient of this reward and they had me come back and help judge this year for that reason.

The "Hero for Life" Scholarship is sponsored by Room at the Inn which is a group home in Charlotte that offers support, hope and provision to pregnant women. The scholarship is available to all youth between the ages of 14 and 18 in both North and South Carolina. This year there were 8 entrants, all of which had actively done something for the pro-life cause in order to apply for the $2,000 scholarship. 

Obviously, the award is far more about encouraging young people to be involved in the ongoing crusade for life, but it is always nice to receive a little help when you are facing the monstrosity of college bills as an 18-year-old kid, especially if mommy and daddy aren't paying your way. 

The experience was so meaningful to me because as I read through the applications and saw the passion for life and the love for the innocent that was clearly in the hearts of those young people, I was inspired and reminded of my own passion. 

It's so easy to forget what it feels like to really care about something. Life can continually feed you a stream of monotony so that you forget how amazing it is for your heart to be so moved that you can't help but cry. As I was sitting there in that room, I started to remember my passion. It's not that I had totally forgotten it, it was more just that I forgot what it felt like. I remembered how much I want to help women who are facing unexpected pregnancies and need help--a place to stay, a plan, ... and perhaps most of all, Love. I remembered how much I long to one day hear the words, "This little child is alive because you showed me there was hope." 

One of my favorite quotes was said by Henry David Thoreau. He said, "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined." It is so important for us not to forget are dreams, for they are our gift from God. They give us purpose and a reason to get out of bed and live life. No dream and no passion is too big, too impossible. Keep striving to achieve the dreams in your heart, because even if you never get there, at least your life will have been full. 

1 comment:

Wanda Kohn said...

You don't know me but you wrote a little about me from the World Magazine Daniel of the Year article you included in your 2006 Choose Life essay that you wrote for the Hero for Life Scholarship Project.
This evening, I just happen to stumble on your old 2006 blog (if that is what it was :o) and I read your essay.
Congratulations on winning a scholarship! What a great essay...Very well put together - I think God was pleased with your content and your heart - desiring to bring to attention the value and sanctity of unborn babies' lives and the preciousness of the moms who carry them as well. Dr. Alneta King was there when you received your scholarship to boot!!! Wow!!! She is a great woman of God and she is not ashamed of the gospel of Christ or to stand as a voice for the unborn!

I googled you and came up with your blog. I started reading through your different postings and then I came upon this one that tells of you going back to be one of the judges for the scholarship you once won!

Are you still in the pro-life arena? I am praying so - you wrote with so much conviction. Even though I direct a crisis pregnancy center, I've most recently realized the value of sidewalk counselors who stand in front of these abortion clinics. The passion that you felt in 2006 is still there as you mentioned, I'm praying you are still using it!!! I was not able to read all of your blogs but it's apparent that God has gifted you in expressing yourself well in writing! Please share with me your email address so I can email you!

In Christ,

Wanda Kohn, Director
Pregnancy & Family Care Center
1306 W. Main St. (location)
115 N. 13th St. (mailing)
Leesburg, FL 34748
Wk: 352-787-8839
Cell: 352-267-8705